This year has been challenging for many. Your gift to the association will go directly to youth sports and recreation teams that have been underfunded due to the unexpected closures of Covid-19 in 2020 and 2021. Hundreds of families depend on these programs for their children. Please help us reach our goal of $25,000.00 to keep our youth playing. Thank you for your support
Donating from the US?
We would be happy to accept your donation via phone and provide a tax receipt. Contact: varnacanada@gmail.com
Have questions? Please contact us at varnacanada@gmail.com
Please fill out the fields with the information you wish to appear on your tax receipt (BN: 76827 8079 RC0001). These fields will be used to generate your tax receipt once the donation process has been completed.
Honourable Partners and Supporters of The Organization.
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